
Organization Applicant
Agroalimentary Cooperatives of Asturias

COSVITEC soc.cons. ar.l.
Yasam Boyu Egitim Dernegi, Ecokratt
West Midlands Tomorrow Ltd.

Start date: 18-01-2016
End date: 17-08-2016

“Agro Youth Camp” is a project under the Erasmus + – Key Action 1 program in the framework of organized mobility for young learners, organized by the Asturian Agricultural and Food Cooperatives in the city of Oviedo. The project aims to improve the skills of technical staff currently working or wishing to work on programs to promote rural recovery through the active participation of young people, and to promote the networking of rural associations and the creation of an international network based on the promotion of rural areas through the presentation of its resources and benefits to young people. The project aims to support the creation of an international network of youth organizations that collaborate in the development and promotion of youth associations in rural areas as a resource for the revitalization of these areas and as a model of life, with the aim of sustainability of all stakeholders and social institutions involved. The main objectives are: 1-Promote the creation of youth associations in rural areas as a resource for the recovery and revitalization of these areas; 2-Strengthen and improve youth by bringing them back to rural areas and presenting them as dynamic actors within the community; 3-Promote rural areas as places of sustainable community and freedom of meeting; 4-Promoting and publicizing the resources that rural areas offer to youth as a sense of sustainable living; 5-Founding an international network of youth associations to promote the social economy in rural areas; 6-Establishing an international observatory for sustainable youth development in rural areas.