
Tourism, Marketing and Internationalization: your Future in Europe

Implementing Institution
ISIS “Isabella D’Este”
EU_SMART is a transnational mobility project aimed at ninety students attending in the a.s. 2015/2016 the fifth year of studies in each of the Institutes involved, with the aim of consolidating, within the local training system, the application of innovative and flexible methodologies of linking classroom training and practical activities. The initiative, promoted by a Consortium of Professional Institutes coordinated by the “Isabella D’Este-Caracciolo” Institute, aims to develop in participants technical-professional and transversal-oriented skills in the areas of business creation and marketing with specific reference to the tourism sector. The project will be carried out at a time when youth unemployment in Campania is around 40 percent and when there is a clear need for young people to follow start-up programs.

In view of the general objectives of the Erasmus + Program, it is intended to enhance the knowledge, skills and competencies of 90 5th year students of the participating educational institutions through a 4-week internship (divided by destination groups), carried out in Spain and Romania in the field of strategic planning, business management applied mainly to start up and entrepreneurial internationalization actions with particular reference to the tourism sector.

A training internship action will be organized in Spain and Romania in the field of internationalization and business management of start-ups of a tourism nature. This action will be supported by a pre-departure training period in Italy shared with the Host companies. The training internship will be marked by some operational lines:
– language enhancement (learning the Romanian and Spanish languages)
– professional activity focused on business start-up
– participation in international advertising programs
The internship actions, in addition to pre-departure training will be supported with dissemination and placement activities in which companies not directly involved in the partnership but close to the educational institutions of the partnership will participate.

The activities will be implemented by a partnership that is composed for its majority of institutions and companies that have already implemented transnational mobility projects and projects from the previous Leonardo da Vinci program. Host companies will relate to the participants already in the pre-departure phase by initiating an acquaintance course prior to the internship. For each candidate will be
scheduled for a cognitive interview by teleconference.The project intervenes on two relevant issues:
– empowerment of skills in the area of internationalization and start-up in the tourism sector
– Shared recognition of knowledge and placement actions
The implementation of the activities will be greatly facilitated by the shared knowledge in the partnership of Italian and English languages. The placement activities will involve companies from the schools’ referral networks (Training Poles, school CTSs etc..). These
latter will register with the participants on the job search portal

– Enhancement of the educational offerings of the participating schools by framing them in a plan for the development of training
– replicability in the local,regional and transnational context of outputs and best practices of the internship intended for companies operating in the relevant sector(documentation,relationship building,identification of training objectives,certification in ECVET, Etc.).

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