
Erasmus + Program – Mobility Action – No. 2014-1-IT01-KA102-002256

Project Title
Gid + : Green Industrial Design – Implementing Institution: Itis “L.Galvani”

The project was created following the general objective of the Erasmus + program to increase the opportunities for VET leaners to train abroad, to provide them with the professional skills necessary to approach the labor market (hard and soft). The entire course was directed to the specialization of 76 V-year students from the participating institutions through a 4-week internship period implemented in partner companies in Ireland and Romania on the design of industrial components and the renewable energy sector. Crucial to the implementation of the mobilities was the involvement of the national partnership and all entities and companies related to the project partners. The educational institutions were thus able to include the learners in real experiences of comparison with the labor market coming from a wider context than the local one, and to deepen through the internship the purely educational contents. The project contributed to the increase in the skills of the individual recipients by accompanying them on a path of insertion into the local labor market and ensuring their certification in the field of energy, energy saving or more generally in the field of construction and design of industrial components (in Campania or Italy). The internship also facilitated the formation of firm and lasting relationships even with entities/companies that did not participate directly in the project, but managed the job offer, validation and credit recognition. The implementation of the activities was facilitated by the shared knowledge of Italian and English languages, the internship in fact enhanced the sense of European citizenship. In addition, a ‘pilot action was initiated concerning at least 50 percent of the institutions and companies that are part of the school CTSs, for the recognition, validation and certification of skills in ECVET according to LIV. 5 EQF that also involved entities outside the partnership. All skills acquired by the learners were attested by:
1.EUROPASS MOBILITY – Certification of knowledge acquisition during a mobility experience;
2.ECVET – European credit system for vocational education and training;
3.STAGE ENTITY – Internsplus or Cosvitec EST (depending on the internship destination, Ireland and Romania respectively).
In summary , the project has achieved the following results : 1) enriching the training offer of the schools involved, with the development of transnational relations , 2) the transfer and dissemination of outputs with best practices to be applied by companies in the local, regional and transnational context (documentation, relationship building, identification of training objectives, certification and validation in ECVET system, etc ).

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