

Avviso pubblico (183.58 KB)

Domanda di ammissione in formato editabile (30 KB)

The project “GreeNEETwork – I mestieri del verde,” proposed by the City of Naples and eligible for funding under the public notice “ReStart” published by ANCI, is a paid training course aimed at 60 young NEETs residing in one of the municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Naples and is aimed at the acquisition of basic skills and knowledge in relation to environmental sustainability, support and promotion of local production chains and agricultural areas, and work in agriculture in a smart way (for more info visit our page dedicated to the project).
This is a unique training course with a total duration of 300 paid hours in three areas of specialization: green maintenance, agriculture and territorial marketing!
The training will be divided as follows:
– 30 hours of general training for all trainees;
– 90 hours of specific training for each of the three areas of specialization;
– 180 hours in practical internships.
Participants who have achieved 80 percent attendance will receive an hourly allowance of €2.00/hour.
Participation in the “Green Trades” pathway is reserved for candidates who meet the following requirements:
– be between 18 and 25 years of age;
– be in NEET status (not being a student, worker and not engaged in training);
– be resident in one of the municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Naples.
Applicants who meet the above requirements can submit their application (download it here), together with a copy of a valid identity document, no later than 12 noon on June 8, 2018. Applications may be transmitted or delivered by the deadline exclusively by one of the following methods:
by pec (certified mail) to indicating in the subject line of the email “Public Notice: Green Trades.”
in a sealed envelope hand-delivered to the Youth and Equal Opportunity Service of the City of Naples (Via Concezione a Montecalvario n. 26) indicating the sender and marked “Public Notice: The Green Trades”;
by registered mail with return receipt in a sealed envelope addressed to Servizio Giovani e Pari Opportunità del Comune di Napoli – Via Montecalvario n. 26 – 80134 Napoli, indicating the sender and the wording “Public Notice: I mestieri del verde” (in which case the postmark will be used as proof).

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