
Notice No. 1/2011 for the financing of language and vocational training interventions, to be carried out for the benefit of citizens residing in the countries of origin of migration flows, aimed at entering Italy for work purposes.

Project title.
“LANGUAGE OF WORK: LANGUAGE AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING FOR CITIZENS RESIDENT IN Albania AIMED AT ENTRANCE IN ITALY FOR WORK REASONS” is a project funded by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy within the framework of language and vocational training interventions, to be carried out in favor of citizens residing in the countries of origin of migration flows, aimed at entering Italy for work reasons.

Proposing party/implementer
Province of Avellino, Cosvitec Soc. cons. a r.l.

Funding body
Ministry of Labor and Social Policy – European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals 2007/2013 – Annual Program 2010.

LINGUA di LAVORO contributed to the integration process initiated by the Albanian community present in the Province of Avellino, through specific training activities carried out in Albania. The project activities were implemented by the Department of Labor and Training of the Province of Avellino through the strategic role of the network of provincial Employment Centers, pertaining to the labor and vocational training sector, in partnership with Cosvitec Università&Impresa. WORK LANGUAGE involves the implementation of various actions to enhance skills and pragmatic integration in the social context.
The Project was implemented through the following national and cross-border actions:
in Italy dissemination actions with the contribution of the Immigration Desk and the network of Employment Centers of the Province of Avellino, in Albania with the implementation of language and training courses in the Construction, tourism-hotel, crafts, trade and personal services sectors.