
“Qualification of the skills of the operators of the CPIs (Job Centers) of the Province of Salerno. POR FSE Campania 2007 – 2013 – Axis VII – Institutional Capacity – Operational Objective 0.2) Campania Masterplan CIG 5653429D2F CUP H46G13001990006

Project Title.
PRO.MO.CE. – Promotion, Monitoring and Certification of the Masterplan of the Province of Avellino

Proposing entities.
COSVITEC soc. cons. ar.l., Amicucci Formazione, MAZARS S.P.A.

Funding body
Campania Region

The overall objective of the action, as defined by the Provincial Masterplan, in line with the provisions of the Campania Region Masterplan and ASSE VII of the Campania ESF ROP related to Institutional Capacity, will be to modernize the Integrated Employment Services provided by the provincial administration, with a view to quality, management and administrative effectiveness/efficiency; rationalize and capitalize resources; increase the levels of professionalism, availability and competence of operators; network cooperation with stakeholders and territorial actors; and turn attention to the end user. The proposal aims at the provision of technical and strategic support to the Provincial Administration of Avellino, and in particular to the Directorate of the Labor and Training Sector, with regard to the overall coordination, management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the set of actions funded by the Campania Masterplan. The Team of Experts of the RTI cohort, will act with the intention of providing technical, strategic and administrative accompanying measures to the coordinating bodies of the client in the phases of implementation, monitoring and reporting of the actions of the Masterplan. The proposal also aims at the design, implementation and deployment of an effective Institutional Communication Plan in support of the Masterplan of the Province of Avellino, focused on the promotion of the renewed look of the Employment Centers and the set of new employment services aimed at dynamizing, supporting and coordinating all the different actors and stakeholders that affect the regional labor market. This Campaign, aimed at citizens and businesses, will be aimed at enhancing the central role constituted by the ICCs, which will serve as an indispensable and indispensable point of connection between labor supply and demand.

Workreare is the name of the networking events of the Promoce Project. They were organized as Opportunity Days sponsored by the Province of Avellino Employment Centers with Cosvitec Università&Impresa. To view the site dedicated to the event click on Workreare.

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