
P.O.R. Campania 2000/2006 – MEASURE 3.18 Notice published in the B.U.R.C. no. 09 of 05/02/2007, Determina Dirigenziale del Direttore dell’Ente Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio no. 671 of 31/08/2007, for the implementation of training interventions included in the Integrated Project of the Vesuvius National Park

Project Title.
Course for Expert in environmental management systems and quality marks

Proposing entity
COSVITEC soc. cons. a r.l.

Funding body
Campania Region

The project, espousing the logic of promotion, enhancement and dissemination of the environmental and cultural image of the territory of the Park Authority, assumes as its objective the growth of skills capable of producing autonomous and lasting opportunities for work and income in the environmental sector. To this end, therefore, action will be taken on the following fronts: managerial training, training of specific sectoral skills
Outgoing Professional Figure
The course in “Expert in environmental management systems and quality brands,” aims to train a professional figure with knowledge and skills on environmental management and quality and the promotion and enhancement of marketing quality brands. In particular, this figure will be able to implement, through the information desk of the Vesuvius Park Authority, concertation networks between companies, associations and local authorities.

The Specialization Course is realized with the collaboration of:
– CNR – Institute of Agroenvironmental and Forest Biology
– Federconsumatori Campania
– University of Naples “Federico II” – Department of Plant and Environmental Soil Science
– University of Naples “Federico II” – Department of Arboriculture, Botany and Plant Pathology
– University of Naples “Federico II” – Department of Food Science
– OTACL – Order of Food Technologists of Campania and Lazio.