PON QUADRO 2014-2020


In line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda, Italian schools become agents of change toward sustainable and inclusive development for all.
The 10-action plan, implemented with the help of European Funds, envisages the launch of specific notices in the coming months . An online and offline participation path open to schools, students and organizations is planned to listen to needs, good practices and experiences.
The school is in constant renewal and Cosvitec follows its changes with interest, proposing itself as an entity close to this world. It devotes attention to the National Operational Program: a great investment in knowledge, to ensure equal opportunities, reduce school dropouts and inequalities between territories and offer girls and boys new experiences, skills and opportunities.
Download the 2018 PON catalog with our services

Catalogo Pon 2018

We highlight some of the actions we are following:

logo alternanza scuola lavoro Alternanza Scuola Lavoro
 logo cittadinanza europea Cittadinanza Europea

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