
M.I.T EUROPE – Marketing Internationalization and Tourism in Europe – is an internship and European mobility project,
designed and coordinated by Cosvitec scarl, related to Key Action 1 of the Erasmus Plus program, approved in the year 2016 with code 2016-1-IT01-KA102-00521.
The project proposal envisages the implementation of training internships to be carried out in partner companies abroad and is specifically aimed at 200 students and recent graduates (within one year of graduation) in the Tourism Marketing sector of the following vocationally-oriented educational institutions:
Francesco Saverio Nitti Institute – Naples
Istituto Gaetano Filangieri – Frattamaggiore (NA)
Taddeo da Sessa Institute – Sessa Aurunca (CE)
Adriano Tilgher Institute – Ercolano (NA)
Don Geremia Piscopo Institute – Arzano (NA)
The period of the internship will be four weeks and will include a pre-departure training phase focused on the linguistic and socio-cultural aspects of the host country, following the main objective of the Erasmus+ program to boost job opportunities for VET learners, through the strengthening of professional and transversal skills (hard and soft) of the participants, which are essential for entry into the labor market.

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