
“Measures to counter the economic-employment crisis in the Campania Region: interventions added to the national anti-crisis programming,” aimed exclusively at residents of the Campania Region. Training interventions for workers in CIG – Notice – Executive Decree No. 126 of 12/05/2009.

Proponent Entity
Campania Region

Implementing Entity
Cosvitec soc.cons. a r.l.

Funding body
Campania Region

The project aims to educate learners on subjects pertaining to safety in the workplace.
The project included three editions of courses held in the Province of Naples and Avellino.
The training courses are part of a broad plan to support workers. Specifically, for the realization of the safety courses and the ochre method, it was planned to give workers the opportunity to update themselves on the relevant changes that have occurred in the field of safety at work from two main points of view:
– knowledge of the new single safety text
– and knowledge of a new working method.
The project aims to educate learners on subjects pertaining to safety in the workplace. The skills imparted will not only be of a generic nature, as they will also go into the specifics of the work context, illustrating to workers one of the most widely used methodologies for assessing and at the same time obviating the risks arising from biomechanical overload to the musculoskeletal system, namely the OCRA method.