
Continuing education interventions ex L. 236/93, Art. 9, paragraph 3
Refresher course for assisted design in the Automotive, Railway and Aeronautical sectors – Direct training for employees of companies with operational headquarters in Campania

Project Title.
TEKNOSUD – Refresher course for assisted design in the Automotive, Railway and Aeronautical sectors.

Implementing institution
Cosvitec -University and Enterprise

Funding Institution
Campania Region

CAD (computer aided design) is a design assisted first and realized later by inputting into a computer the qualitative data that are deemed necessary for the realization of the project and then the quantitative data; then the computer will process the input data and component or the project will be shown on the screen. In this way countless projects in the fields of construction, electronics and mechanics are realized: The images thus created are used for comparative purposes and for the actual realization of the project under consideration. The advantage is the speed of realization and the improved quality of the images. CAD despite its countless advantages and strong market demand is a tool that only few know how to use. In addition, new and increasingly complex computer technologies direct experts in the field to confront and learn how to use new and increasingly powerful and complex programs.

In light of this, the aim is to train specialists in the field who can offer new and/improved skills in a rapidly expanding market.
The most natural placement is undoubtedly that related to small and medium-sized enterprises since the polyvalence of the professional figure allows flexible and versatile management of human resources. The industrial sectors most suitable for the placement of employees are: automotive mechanic railroad aeronautics and electronics, etc. It is clear that this list is purely indicative as roles and tasks, in departments even different from those listed above, may be taken into consideration against the talents and/or aptitudes that may emerge in some learners during the course
The professional figure we propose will be able to upgrade successfully in the industrial reality that has developed the need to “computerize” its processes and projects , with a view to improving efficiency and quality. Employees will deal with issues related to design, take care of aspects related to technical documentation, understand solid representation techniques, manage tools for graphic representation.