
The VETTER project aims to improve the process of evaluating and monitoring the internships carried out by VET students, as this process sometimes lacks quality and does not take into account different dimensions of students’ lives. What the consortium noticed was that there was a need for strong innovation and new methodologies regarding internship evaluation and monitoring activities. The goal of the project is precisely to innovate these processes, providing new methodologies and tools that can make the monitoring and evaluation of the student internship period more effective, so as to provide internship pathways of a higher quality. In addition, the project aims to work in line with the Erasmus+ priority of supporting the development of VET programs that offer a balanced mix of vocational skills and create well-aligned learning opportunities for all economic cycles, labor market developments and key competencies.
Project value:
337.030,00 EURO
Main activities/outputs:
MOOC platform, Android App, methodology guide, badges.
European Institute for Innovation and Technology (Germany), CSI Center for Social Innovation (Cyprus), Büyük Ortadoğu Sağlık ve Eğitim Vakfı (Turkey), Magenta Consultoria Project (Spain),Institute for Entrepreneurship Development (Greece).