
“Interventions to promote and raise awareness of risk prevention in the workplace for the agribusiness sector.”
POR Campania Region 2000/2006- Business competitiveness development/ Action F- Information / awareness raising on safety in the workplace . Measure 3.9. D.D Decree No. 104 – 29/06/07

Proposing party
COSVITEC – soc. cons. a r.l.
SIAB- SIndacato Allevatori Bufalini (Buffalo Breeders’ Association)

Funding body
Campania Region

Developing a system of thematic seminars/workshops for the agri-food sector, with a view to raising awareness and updating on occupational safety, contributes to the formation of a global awareness of worker risk prevention by peremptorily affecting organizational culture. Safety management in the workplace concerns all workers; the current legislative framework, of European Community inspiration, makes it necessary for all workers to participate (Art. 5 of Legislative Decree No. 626 of 1994) in every phase of safety planning and management. This means that they are no longer subjected to the law but become active subjects and participants in the improvement of safety and health in the workplace, so much so that fines are provided for violations (Art. 93) attributable to them.