
Pon R&C 2007-2013 AXIS I – support for structural changes operational objective: networks for strengthening the scientific-technological potential of convergence regions ii action: public-private laboratories and related networks – PON03PE_00106

MAReA – Advanced Materials for Research and Agribusiness, Public-Private Laboratory.

Proposing entities.
– Marea scarl – lead entity;
– University of Naples Federico II Department of Pharmacy (DIF) – Department of Agriculture (BiPAF) – Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal
– National Research Council – Institute of Biochemistry of Proteins (IBP) – Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers (ICTP)
– Council for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture (CRA);
– MD Plast spa;
– PolyEur srl

Industrial partners
Cosvitec Scarl, Sapa Srl, MD Plast SpA, Alimenta 2000 Srl, PenelopeSpA, La Marchesa Cooperativa Agricola, Fattoria dell’Alento Società Agricola arl., Plyeur srl. , LABORATORIA SRL, Elettrasistemi srl.

Funding body
MIUR – Ministry of Education, University and Research

The constant and growing attention, and concern, that the World Health Organization (WHO) has always directed, for the protection of human health, to the wholesomeness and genuineness of agri-food products is supported by data on the damage and effects, devastating to say the least, caused by food and products contaminated due to the widespread use of pesticides in agriculture or improper storage of the same. The challenge for the coming years will be to protect human health by safeguarding the entire agri-food chain, from cultivation to product protection, from storage to processing, from packaging to transportation.
The MAREA project proposal will be divided into two strands covering both the area of agricultural product protection and fresh food preservation (IV gamma and dairy products) through the use of highly innovative polymeric materials.